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February 2024

What Do Rabbits Eat? Learn What to Feed Rabbits

CareHealth & Nutrition

Your rabbit needs constant access to fresh, clean water and a variety of foods as they like to graze throughout the day, unlike dogs for example, who tend to eat their meals at particular times of the day.

Your rabbit’s basic food requirements are a diet of hay and pellets or a mix feed.

Hay can be placed anywhere in your bunny’s enclosure, or in a ‘hay roller’ that minimises mess and wastage. Pellets and mix feeds are best placed in a durable bowl, as your rabbit may chew on a plastic one.

Rabbit Food Guide: What’s Safe & Potentially Dangerous?

You may also like to provide your bunny with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Below is a guide of what rabbits can safely eat and foods to be avoided.

What can rabbits eat?

Rabbits thrive on a diet rich in fresh hay, which provides essential fiber for digestion and dental health. Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce offer vital nutrients, while vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, and broccoli provide variety and additional vitamins. When it comes to fruits, rabbits can enjoy treats like apples (seedless), strawberries, and blueberries in moderation. However, it's crucial to avoid feeding rabbits foods high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as toxic substances like chocolate and onions.

Safe food for rabbits to eat

Always Safe Safe to eat occasionally (1-2 tsp at a time) Do not feed
Cos lettuce Apples Cauliflower
Spinach Bananas Raw Beans
Rocket Carrots Rhubarb
Cucumber Strawberries Cabbage
Brussel sprouts Raspberries Iceberg Lettuce
Capsicum Oranges
Dandelion Greens

Your rabbit may also enjoy some fresh grass, however avoid this if your bunny is under six months old as it can cause a stomach upset.
Provide your buddy with fresh, clean water in a dispenser with a nozzle. Your rabbit will learn to nibble at this anytime he is thirsty. Easily fixed to the inside wall of your buddy’s enclosure, these nozzles are a non-drip design to ensure your rabbit’s bedding doesn’t become unnecessarily wet, which may cause moist dermatitis and coccidiosis. It also eliminates the risk of your rabbit knocking over their water dish, leaving them thirsty for the day!

Hot Tip

A ratio of 80% hay and 20% pellets or mix is a good guide to follow.

Your Rabbit Loves To Chew!

Rabbit teeth grow continuously, so your bunny will want to chew constantly and keep them at a suitable length. They might chew on their hutch or bedding or even shoes and carpet if they live indoors! A great way to minimise damage to your rabbit’s hutch and keep his teeth healthy is to provide a variety of toys to play with and gnaw on. You could also provide food and treat options that are of a bigger size, which force your rabbit to chew more than they would on a mix feed for example.


What are the best vegetables for rabbits to munch on?

Rabbits can enjoy a variety of vegetables, including leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach. Other favorites include carrots, bell peppers, and broccoli. It's essential to introduce new vegetables gradually to prevent digestive issues.

Which fruits are safe and healthy for rabbits to consume?

Rabbits can indulge in small portions of fruits like apples (without seeds), strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. However, fruits should be given sparingly due to their sugar content, and seeds should always be removed to prevent choking hazards.

How can I ensure my rabbit's diet is balanced and nutritionally sound?

Leafy greens are a staple in a rabbit's diet and include options such as cilantro, parsley, dandelion greens, and arugula. These greens are rich in essential nutrients and help maintain proper digestion.

Various sizes available

