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May 2021

How to Hold a Rabbit & Exercise Your Bunny

CareHealth & Nutrition

Just like any other pet, it’s important that you interact and handle your bunny as much as possible. In addition to improved socialisation skills and mental health, your rabbit will feel loved and love you so much more in return!

How To Hold A Rabbit:

1. Gentle Approach: Always approach your rabbit calmly and quietly to avoid startling them. Speak softly to reassure your bunny as you get closer.
2. Secure Handling: Place one hand underneath the chest, ensuring you're supporting their front body without squeezing too tightly. Use the other hand to support the back legs and rump gently. This method prevents your rabbit from feeling insecure or frightened.
3. Horizontal Hold: Rabbits generally prefer to be held horizontally, as vertical positions can make them feel vulnerable. Keeping them close to your body can provide additional security and comfort.
4. Stay Attentive: Pay close attention to your rabbit's body language. If they seem uncomfortable or scared, lower them back to the ground gently and try again later. The key is to build trust, not fear.

Handling your rabbit with care and patience minimizes the risk of injury and helps your bunny feel safe and loved in your arms.

How Much Exercise Do Rabbits Need?

Aim to spend an hour each day with your buddy out of the hutch. Never leave your rabbit unsupervised (especially around other animals) to avoid the risk of him becoming injured or burrowing out of your yard.
1. Daily Playtime: Ensure your rabbit gets at least an hour of playtime outside their hutch daily. This activity is vital for their physical health and mental stimulation.
2. Supervised Exploration: Always supervise your rabbit during exercise time, especially outdoors or in new environments, to prevent accidents or escapes.
3. Exercise Variety: Incorporate various activities, like hopping over small obstacles or running through tunnels, to keep the exercise engaging and beneficial for your rabbit.
4. Harness Training: A rabbit harness and leash can be excellent tools for outdoor adventures, allowing your bunny to explore safely. Introduce the harness gradually, ensuring it's a positive experience for your rabbit.

Safe Spaces: Always exercise your rabbit in safe, enclosed areas where they can't dig or burrow out. Indoors, remove any hazardous items they might chew on or get tangled in.

By enhancing your rabbit's exercise routine and handling them with care, you'll promote their wellbeing, ensuring they lead a happy, healthy, and active life.

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