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January 2023

How to Puppy Proof Your Home

Puppy Care

How to Puppy Proof Your Home

After stocking up on their new favourite treats, toys and plenty of soft blankets, you need to get to work puppy proofing your home. By creating an environment that is safe and secure, you will help your pup adjust to their new family and surroundings!

Follow our handy puppy proofing guide to keep your newest addition safe and sound at home.

Things to Look Out for When You Puppy Proof Indoors

While your pup settles into their new home, it’s recommended you pick an area of the house they can have free roam of. You can block off this space with tools like a puppy fence indoor solution, or even create a large dog pen for them to spend their time in.

Even with a sectioned off area, you might still allow your pup into other rooms when you’re home. That’s why it’s best to run through a checklist to make sure your entire house is secure.

Checklist for puppy proofing a home:

  • Move electrical cords from reach: you can also use tools like a cord concealer to prevent your precious pup from chewing on them.
  • Lock up cleaning supplies: move all potential hazards into a high cupboard or secure them in a cupboard with a child-proof latch.
  • Put medications away: avoid keeping medications on low tables or where your puppy can easily reach.
  • Put away choking hazards: think small toys and jewellery – anything your pup can get their teeth on!
  • Keep sharp objects out of reach: knives, scissors and razors should all be well out of their reach.
  • Secure your rubbish bin: your puppy's nose will lead them straight to a rubbish bin. Not only do you risk them overeating, but they can also get into something that’s not good for them.
  • You can also block off the kitchen entirely with a puppy gate.

Tips for Dog Proofing Garden

If you have a back garden your pup will spend quite a bit of time out there - even if they’re an inside dog. Your backyard is going to be your pup's playground and bathroom, so it’s important to make sure there are no hazards they can get into! From a dog-proof fence to the removal of hazards like tools, creating a secure environment is just as important outdoors. The last thing you want is your dog getting hurt or escaping!

Checklist for puppy-proofing outdoor:

  • Invest in a puppy proof fence: you can get specific dog proof fencing that will make sure they can’t escape and run into potential hazards, like traffic! Make sure your fence is tall enough that they can’t jump over, and also secure at the bottom to avoid them digging out.<
  • Remove toxic plants: your pup will chew and munch on what they can, so make sure you do your research and remove any plant that might cause harm.
  • Secure your pool: if you have a pool area, make sure your pup can’t get into it. You might also want to look into puppy training to make sure they know pool safety.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed: nasties like ticks are more likely to hide in long grass. Make sure to keep weeds under control to avoid other pests from taking up residence in your yard!
  • Be on the lookout for pesticides and fertilisers: some lawn treatments or weed removers are toxic to dogs. If you’ve used them recently, it’s best to keep your pup inside.

Give Your Pup Their Own Space

As your pup learns to adjust to life in their new home, it’s best to give them their very own space that they can feel comfortable in. For the first few weeks, try creating a puppy-safe area, so you don’t have to worry about constantly supervising them.

Use a dog barrier or baby gates to block off a section of the house. That could be your laundry, front living room or even a bedroom. Make sure you have plenty of bedding and toys for them to feel nice and cosy.

It’s important to remember that even with the best puppy-proofing, your new fur baby will still find ways to get into trouble. Be patient with them! Making your new puppy feel comfortable and safe in their new home can make a real difference in how well they settle in. By following these tips, you’ll make sure that your pup feels well and truly at home.

Puppy Proofing FAQs

How to puppy-proof a balcony

You shouldn’t ever leave your pup out on the balcony alone. As a general rule, invest in a puppy barrier, like fencing or a gate, to make sure there are no gaps your pup can easily fit through. However, as much puppy proofing as you do, remember you shouldn’t ever leave your pup out on the balcony alone. They can easily be excited by those walking past and try to join in the fun – no matter the danger.

How to puppy-proof electrical cords

Electrical cords pose a big danger to pups who can chew on them, causing burns or even electrocution. Tie up loose cords or block them with furniture to limit your doggo’s access. You can also purchase specific products like a cable wrap for cords that you can’t move.

When can you stop puppy proofing a home?

This will vary from dog to dog. Some puppies adjust to a home a bit better and will avoid the temptations like the garbage bin. Others might still need supervision when they're a year old - the last thing you want is your dog escaping! Start by letting them into a few more rooms, while keeping doors to areas like bedrooms and bathrooms still shut. If you notice any destruction or housetraining accidents, then limit their freedoms again. When you notice that your pup isn't getting into things they shouldn't, you can start leaving them for short periods in a puppy-proofed area of the house.