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January 2017

The Importance of Microchips

CarePuppy Care

Microchipping is not only a quick and painless procedure, but will help your buddy find their way home if they’re ever lost!

What is a Microchip?

Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and include all of your personal contact details. Your pet’s microchip is inserted, reasonably painlessly, by a vet under the skin between the shoulder blades. Once inserted, your pet will be microchipped for life.

How Much Does It Cost to Microchip a Pet?

The cost of microchipping your pet may vary depending on which veterinary clinic you choose to visit, however the benefit of being able to be reunited with your pet is priceless.

How Do Microchips Work?

Your pet’s microchip contains all of your contact details and, as long as your details are on a microchip register (for instance, with your local council pet registration and a national database such as Central Animal Records), the microchip will help you reunite with your pet if they’re ever lost.

For your details to be accessed, your pet will need to be scanned with a hand-held microchip scanner at either a Vet clinic or shelter.

Hot Tip

When the Vet microchips your pet, they will most likely recommend which national microchip database to register them to, and give you the paperwork to do this.

Engraved Pet I.D Tags

As well as microchipping your pet, attaching an engraved I.D. tag to their collar will help enable a quick return of your pet without a visit to the vet or pound. Visit your local Petstock store for tag engraving!

Various sizes available



It’s essential that your pet’s microchip details are kept up to date. This relies on pet owners contacting their local council and the national pet register organisation to notify them of any changes to your contact details.