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June 2023

GiGwi Pet Droid Motion Active Mouse

Brand: GiGwi
Reason: Product doesn't comply with the mandatory standard for products containing button/coin batteries.
Batch(es): 846295070669
The battery compartment doesn't contain a captive screw designed to ensure the compartment is resistant to being opened by children. There is a risk of choking, severe internal burn injuries or death to young children if they gain access to the button batteries and ingest them. Button batteries also pose a choking hazard to young children. As such, they are voluntarily withdrawing any purchased units.

What to do:
If you have purchased this product:

  1.        You should immediately stop using the toy and place safely out of reach of children.
  2.        You can email to receive a replacement product of the same value, or a refund and instructions about safe disposal of the product.
  3.        Please send Gigwi Australia an email or phone them on the number below if you are unable to return the product or have sold or gifted it to another person.

Contact Details:
For more information, please contact Gigwi Australia on or by phone on 02 9607 9033.