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July 2024

Horse FAQs: Top 10 Questions Answered

In Australia, all horses celebrate their birthdays on the same day – the 1st of August. This date is set as the official birthday for horses to standardise the ages of racehorses and breeding horses, making it easier for racing and competition purposes. Whether they were born in the sweltering heat of January or the crisp chill of July, come August 1st, every horse in Australia turns a year older.

In honour of this unique tradition, we're celebrating horses' birthdays by answering the top 10 questions people ask about these incredible animals. Read on to learn more about our equine friends! An avid equestrian yourself? Browse our horse category, which offers an extensive range of quality products all designed to make caring for your horse easy.

How much horsepower does a horse have?

A common misconception is that a horse has one horsepower. However, the actual power of a horse is about 15 horsepower. This measurement, established by James Watt, was based on the sustained effort a horse could exert over a period of time.

How fast can a horse run?

A horse can run at speeds of up to 88 km/h (55 mph) in short bursts, such as in a race. However, the average gallop of a horse is about 40 to 48 km/h (25 to 30 mph).

Which horse won the Melbourne Cup in 2023?

The winner of the Melbourne Cup in 2023 was Gold Trip. This race, held annually on the first Tuesday of November, is an event in the Australian sporting calendar.

How much does a horse weigh?

The weight of a horse varies significantly depending on the breed, age, and diet. On average, a horse weighs between 400 to 1,000 kg (880 to 2,200 lbs). Larger breeds like the Clydesdale can weigh more than 1,000 kg.

How to ride a horse?

Riding a horse requires proper technique and practice – this is not something to try based of a few well-meaning words on the internet!

How long does a horse live?

The average lifespan of a horse is between 25 to 30 years. However, with excellent care, some horses can live into their 40s. Factors that influence a horse’s lifespan include genetics, diet, exercise, and veterinary care.

How long is a horse pregnant for?

A mare (female horse) is pregnant for approximately 11 months, or around 340 days. This period can vary slightly depending on the individual horse and breed.

What is a baby horse called?

A baby horse is called a foal. A foal that is still nursing is referred to as a suckling, while a foal that has been weaned from its mother is called a weanling. A young female horse is called a filly, and a young male horse is called a colt.

What sound does a horse make?

Horses make several sounds, including neighing, whinnying, nickering, and snorting. Each sound has a different meaning and can indicate a range of emotions, from excitement and greeting to fear and discomfort.

How many stomachs does a horse have?

Horses have a single-chambered stomach, unlike ruminants such as cows, which have four-chambered stomachs. Despite having only one stomach, horses can efficiently digest fibrous plant material through a process of hindgut fermentation in their large intestine and caecum.

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