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Articles for Cat Lovers

Pet Smarts offers all the latest tips and advice on looking after a kitten, along with what to buy before getting a kitten and additional how-to guides

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February 2024
Kitten Flea Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Fleas on kittens occur from other pets and the environment. Petstock is here to help with the signs of fleas, treatment to get rid of them and prevention.

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February 2024
Heartworm Symptoms in Cats & How to Prevent Them

Heartworm lives in the lungs and hearts of cats and spread by mosquitoes. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult and your Vet may recommend a number of different tests to identify this disease.

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February 2024
5 Benefits of Cat Enclosures

Cat enclosures, sometimes called catios, are the ideal solution to allow your cat to safely enjoy the great outdoors. In a Guest Post for Pet Smarts, Aussie vet and TV personality Dr Katrina Warren breaks down the five key benefits of cat enclosures.

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July 2023
Dental Disease in Cats: Signs and Treatment

In consultation with Petstock Vet Dr Alison Kemp, these are the symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods for dental disease in cats.

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August 2033
How to Get Rid of and Prevent Fleas and Ticks on Pets

It is important to ensure you keep your pet’s flea and tick treatment up to date. Learn about the symptoms, prevention and treatment of fleas and ticks for your pet.

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February 2024
My First Cat!

To enjoy all the benefits of owning a cat, it is vital you take the steps to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

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February 2024
Cat Worming: Types, Symptoms & Wormer Treatments

How do cats get worms? How do I tell if my cat has worms? These questions and more answered!

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February 2024
Cat FAQs with Dr Chris Brown

Got a burning question about cats? You’ve come to the right place! Drool founder and expert vet Dr Chris Brown took over Petstock socials and conducted a livestream Q&A. We’ve compiled our favourite answers for all you curious cats!

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February 2024
Top Tips for Keeping Cats Happy and Safe

When cats are confined to an indoor space with little to stimulate their minds, they become bored. In a guest post for Pet Smarts, Aussie vet and TV personality Dr Katrina Warren provides her tips to mentally stimulate your cat while keeping them safe.

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February 2022
Bringing a New Cat Home and Introducing Them to Other Pets

If you’re about to adopt or have just adopted a new feline family member, we’ve got some tips on how to introduce this cat to other furry family members. Plus, some additional advice on introducing them to your new home. Welcome home, kitty.

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November 2023
Caring for a Senior Cat: Top Care Tips

Cats over the age of 7 are considered senior meaning they have different requirements. By following these care tips, you can ensure that your senior cat gets the most out of their later years of life.

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January 2023
Indoor Cats vs Outdoor Cats: What You Need to Consider

Indoor cat or outdoor cat? It's an age-old question that cat owners have long pondered, trying to work out what's best for their feline friend

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March 2024
Tips for Cat Flea Treatment & Prevention Tips

It’s highly likely that one or all of your pets come in to contact with other animals regularly, all of which may be carrying at least one flea!...

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March 2024
A Sneaky (but Easy) Trick to Check Pets Teeth!

You need to check for dental disease, but there’s no way you’re sticking your hand inside a mouth full of 42 sharp teeth. But guess what? You don’t need to! In a guest post for Pet Smarts, Dr Chris Brown is confessing his secret hack to check pet’s teeth.

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November 2021
Cat Care Guide

To enjoy all the benefits of owning a cat, it is vital you take these steps to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

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April 2024
7 Tips to Keep Your Cat Cosy in Winter

As winter approaches, it's important to ensure our feline friends stay warm and comfortable. Here are some tips to help keep your cat cosy during the colder months.