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LifeWise: Premium Australian Dog and Cat Food for Every Need

Grain-free dog and cat food options are available in the LifeWise range, as well as dry dog food for puppies, small, medium, and large breeds, and premium foods for those with sensitivities, allergies, obesity, or old age. Providing wholesome, balanced, nutritional meals for your furry friends is easy with LifeWise dog and cat food. All LifeWise recipes are made with only the highest-quality ingredients, and they do not contain artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives.

LifeWise FAQS

Is LifeWise Australian?

Yes! All LifeWise products are manufactured in Australia.
There is only a small amount of ingredients sourced from overseas, such as some of the vitamins, because they are not available locally.

How do I transition my dog to LifeWise?

When transitioning your dog to a new dry food, it's essential to do so gradually over 7 to 10 days. Start by mixing a small amount of the new food (25%) into their current food (75%) for the first three days. Monitor your dog closely during this period for any adverse reactions. If any issues arise, slow down the transition or consult your vet. Every 2-3 days, adjust the ratio by increasing the new food and decreasing the old food. For days 4-6, it should be a 50-50 ratio, and days 7-9 should have 25% old food and 75% new food. Once day 10 comes, or your dog is fully adjusted, you can switch entirely to the new dry food.

Does LifeWise have a guarantee?

Yes, like all our premium brands here at Petstock, LifeWise is covered under the palatability guarantee. You can learn more about the palatability guarantee here.

How can I get 15% Brand Cash back when I buy LifeWise?

Every time you purchase LifeWise, we’ll give you 15% back in Brand Cash to spend on the same brand of premium food next time you shop with us.
The 15% is worked out on the price the item scans for – meaning we will reward you at the full price, not the price you pay after redeeming any Brand Cash, giving you even greater rewards. You can also redeem Brand Cash and earn Brand Cash in one transaction!
You can learn more about Petstock Rewards here.

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