Thundershirt Anti Anxiety Shirt for Dogs

Selected Size
Small (Weight 6.5-11.5kg)
X Large (Weight 29.5-50kg)
Medium (Weight 11.5-18.5kg)
X Small (Weight 3.5-6.5kg)
Large (Weight 18.5-29.5kg
Small (Weight 6.5-11.5kg)
Selected Colour
in Brand Cash back
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ThunderShirt's use gentle hugging to calm your dog. The gentle, constant pressure has a calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or overexcited. Thundershirt's have now helped thousands of dogs around the world who suffer from anxiety. Thundershirt's are rapidly being embraced by professionals; thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers are now recommending the Thundershirt for dogs who suffer from anxiety. Experts believe that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system, possibly by releasing a calming hormone like endorphins. Using pressure to relieve anxiety in people and animals has been a common practice for years. It's a safe and drug free solution for your dog's anxiety, and with a Money Back Gaurantee how can you say no?
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